A volunteer administrative position responsible for scheduling all SMHA Ice facilities for each division. Reports to the President. Ideal candidate will be very detail oriented, ability to flex and be available as needed when conflict games arise and need quick turnaround, excellent customer service skills and the ability to multi task and handle pressure.


  • Represent SMHA at Ice Allocation meeting each May or June to receive allocation of ice toSMHA for regular season, playoffs and tournament blocks.
  • In the spring, receive from SMHA Board of Directors forecasted enrollment for the following season, and the criteria for the approved program to be delivered at each level. Using this information, develop a "master" ice plan as a basis for planning for the following season.
  • Develop ice schedule with the assistance of the Board of Directors to fulfill program approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Develop Rep Tryout ice schedule with the assistance of the VP Rep to fulfill program approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Develop the ice schedule for beginning of season, see past seasons as example.
  • Send a finalized ice schedule every Friday for the following week to all team managers.
  • Stay on top of conflict games and providing options to managers (no more than 3, offered 1 at a time) for rescheduling. Be prepared as game schedules are released to start working on conflict games already noted in the system.
  • Provide copies of ice schedules to Secretary for website and Arena Manager.
  • If there are unallocated ice times, the Ice Scheduler shall keep them in reserve to allocate out at his/her discretion to make up for schedules most affected by interruptions and conflict games.
  • If a Manager is unable to utilize ice that has been allocated, he/she shall notify the Ice Scheduler giving 7 days notice. The ice slot is to be' returned' to the pool of available ice and reallocated by the Ice Scheduler to make up for other interruptions. If the ice scheduler cannot find use for the ice, return the ice to the district with 5 days notice to avoid being billed.
  • Assist managers by keeping an eye on the teams game schedule, perhaps there is a practice that won’t be attended due to a game out of town that could either be used for another team, used for a conflict game or returned to the district to save on the ice cost.
  • Review and approve monthly Ice and Facilities invoice prior to payment.