SMHA Now Accepting Coaching Applications for the 2021-2022 hockey season.
SMHA is actively seeking new and returning Coaches for the 2021-2022 season in all divisions. We are looking to select the most qualified coach for each team whether a new or returning coach, parent or non-parent.
2021-22 SMHA Coaching Application - PREVIOUS APPLICANTS
2021-22 SMHA Coaching Application - NEW APPLICANTS
Coach Certification
BC Hockey Coaching Resources
Coaching Courses, Hockey Canada Safety Clinics, Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT), and Respect in Sport can be found here:
Criminal Record Checks
As mandated by BC Hockey, all coaches, officials, managers, safety people and volunteers must have a valid Criminal Record Check in order to participate, coach, or volunteer for the current season.
2. Enter our unique access code: 4G4MS59ST3
Once the review has been completed, your Criminal Record Check will be submitted directly to Squamish Minor Hockey Association.